
Advocating for foster care and adoption by
supporting all people involved and
empowering everyone to
“find their something”
Nice to meet you,
I’m Kristal Black!
I’m only one-seventh of the Zero2Five Family but it is my voice you will hear most often on this site and our social media pages. Maybe, you heard me on a podcast or read an article I wrote. However you got here,
I’m glad you’re here.
Our family is passionate about advocating for foster care and adoption. We know how scary it can be and how broken the systems are. That is why we want to help you.
Feeling your heart tugged towards foster kids? We can help you get plugged in. Want to support foster families? We have TONS of ideas. Want to make a difference in the system? Well, we have lots of opinions on that too!
Whether you are looking for resources or someone to advocate in your space, we are here for you. Go on! Reach out and let us know how we can help you.
As seen (and heard) on:
Click the logos below to read (or listen)

Read our newest blogs!
7 Things We Wish We Had Known About Foster Care
What I Learned Our First Year Homeschooling
From Infertility,
to Foster Care,
to Adoption,
and life after.
“We never dreamed we would have a large family. We never thought we would struggle to find a kitchen table or a car that would fit us all. But God had a plan for us much bigger than us as a couple, or even us as a family. Our story starts with infertility and it continues to this day.”

We get it. There are a ton of really great resources out there about foster care, adoption, infertility, parenting, etc. Where should you begin?
Or maybe you have a specific topic you would like to know more about like trauma, attachment disorders, or international adoption.
Perhaps, you just need to know what to do when you child is lying or where we got that cool hydration pack you saw in one of our vlogs.
We’re here for all the things. Check out our resource pages!